Beijing Moon
Abstammung:Parentage known but not disclosed by registrantBeschreibung:Inside of tepals yellowish white (NN155A), with light greenish yellow (8B) basal patch; margins and tips moderate purplish red (185C); throat greenish white (155C). Outside of outer tepals moderate purplish red (185C), shading to light yellow-green (145B) at base; margins yellowish white (NN155A); midribs light yellow-green (145B). Outside of inner tepals yellowish white (NN155A), light yellow-green (145B) at base; margins and tips moderate purplish red (185C); midribs strong yellow-green (145A). Spots and papillae absent; nectaries strong yellow-green (144A); pollen dark reddish orange (175B); stigma pale green (189B) with dark purplish grey (N187A). Fls 200mm wide; tepals 160 × 70mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips recurved. Lvs 160 × 20mm, dark green. Stems 1.3m, dark green with darker markings, with up to 5 fls. Published in KAVB Registraties 2012: 7 (2013)